Family Driven, Family Approved

Posted on: March 29th, 2019 by | No Comments

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At TanTara, we are family oriented, so we believe time spent with your family is just as important as time spent on the road. Because we value our employees and their time, they enjoy coming to work. Our drivers are dedicated but they aren’t the only ones putting in hours of hard work; their spouses are also a part of TanTara’s success by keeping our drivers company, communicating well, and being prepared when they come home and leave for their routes.

The Life of a Truck Driver Spouse

As a wife of a truck driver, Kathy Aebly has learned what routine works best for her and her husband, Tim. When she has time off from driving a school bus, she likes to ride along with Tim on his route.

“The inside was very clean, and the equipment is nice to ride around in,” Kathy said. “It was nice seeing Tim work and seeing his dash was helpful to see how everything works.”

When she isn’t sitting shotgun, the couple relies on communicating by phone. “Thank God for cell phones!” Kathy exclaimed.

Even though her partner spends his work week driving, the Aeblys know they’ll see each other on the weekends to catch up and prepare him for his next week of driving.

“I like to make sure all the laundry gets done and everything is ready for him to use since he is home a short time,” Kathy shared. “I also make sure that after he drops off his trailer, there is room for the tractor to be parked; we want to make sure it is safe where he parks it at.”

When Tim is home, Kathy ensures he is eating healthy and getting the exercise he needs since he is sitting all week, driving.

“We enjoy going grocery shopping together, making sure he gets plenty of rest and getting him into the gym,” Kathy said. “We have a gym at home, and we like to go outside and take walks. I also make sure he has everything he needs to get him by for the week.”

Now that their three children have grown and moved out, the couple finds more time to relax together.

“We like to sit down and make him a playlist for the road,” Kathy remarked. “He likes a lot of the classic country music.”

Why it’s Worth it

Being married to a truck driver takes dedication and commitment which Kathy has learned to master over the decade of driving Tim has logged for TanTara.

“Being patient and understanding is the key to making it all work,” Kathy explained. “You have to understand that when they are gone, their time isn’t their own. They do a lot behind the scenes work to keep the fire burning at home and that’s what makes all this worth it.”

To celebrate Tim’s hard work since 2008, TanTara awarded him with a $3,500 check. He and Kathy plan to go on a well-deserved cruise together.

great truck driving job

In addition to a paycheck, the Aeblys appreciate what TanTara values and how they show their appreciation.

“I like that he gets home on the weekends; Tantara is very family oriented,” Kathy praised. “We have attended two company picnics, and I thought that was very nice of them to care so much about their employees. They also care about my family which is just as important to me.”

Time Zones

Pacific Zone

2:53 PM

Mountain Zone

3:53 PM

Central (home)

4:53 PM

Eastern Zone

5:53 PM